• Anam Besari STAI Ma'arif Magetan
Keywords: Fasting, obligatory, Muslim.


Islam is built on five things, one of which is fasting in the Holy month of Ramadan. So fasting in the month of Ramadan is compulsory, meaning that every individual Muslim who has fulfilled the terms and conditions must observe it. Here it is clear that a Muslim has the obligation to observe the fast of Ramadan because there is attached the law of Obligation, which is obligatory in Islamic provisions will be rewarded for those who commit and will get sin for those who leave it. In addition to the Ramadan Fast there are several obligatory fasts that must also be observed by Muslims, but these obligations are attached not to all Muslims as a whole, but that obligation is attached only to someone who is directly concerned. And the time does not coincide, nor is it determined by the Shari'a, only that the weight of the obligation is the same as the fast of Ramadan. These fasts include the fast of The number of days of fasting depends on the vow attached to the vow of a person who performs the vow, the fast can be one day, two days, one week and so on, according to what a person vows. While the Kifarot Fast has provisions for the number of days, for example kifarot fasting for husband and wife who have intercourse at the time of carrying out the ramadan fast, they are subject to the obligation to fast two months in a row, it's just that the time when the start of the fast has not been determined by Sharia.


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How to Cite
Besari, A. (2023). FASTING THAT MUSLIMS ARE OBLIGATORY TO DO. LAWU : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 1(01). Retrieved from