Jurnal Paradigma https://ejournal.staimmgt.ac.id/index.php/paradigma <p style="font-family: montserrat;"><strong>Jurnal Paradigma :</strong> Journal published by STAI Ma'arif Magetan since April 2014 which is available twice a year. This journal contains Islamic studies which include Islamic education, sharia, Islamic thought, Islamic economics, Islamic law and other Islamic studies. Paradigma Journal also presents news about academic information at STAI Ma'arif Magetan as well as academic columns that cannot be separated from discussions about research.</p> LP3M STAI MA'ARIF MAGETAN en-US Jurnal Paradigma 2406-9787 The Importance of Classroom Management in Forming Students' Disciplinary Character https://ejournal.staimmgt.ac.id/index.php/paradigma/article/view/134 <p><em>The</em> <em>ability</em> <em>to</em> <em>perform </em><em>classroom</em> <em>management</em> <em>is</em> <em>one</em> <em>of</em> <em>the</em> <em>characterictics</em> <em>of</em> <em>a</em> <em>profesional teacher.</em> <em>Classroom</em> <em>management is needed because students’attitudes and characters are </em><em>always changing from time to time. In this regard, </em><em>the</em><em> teacher needs to acquire good classroom management ability, so he/she will always be able to guide the students and create an effective and comfortable learning environment which motivates students to learn well and meets the learning goals that have been established.</em></p> Hernik Khoirun Nisak ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 16 1 1 12 10.53961/paradigma.v16i1.134 Anti-Corruption Education from the Perspective of Islamic Boarding School Education https://ejournal.staimmgt.ac.id/index.php/paradigma/article/view/135 <p>Islamic boarding schools as religious institutions can be part of a good anti-corruption movement. However, its effectiveness may still be questioned. In Islamic boarding schools, for example, the kiai as the patron of the community can be used as pressure for the bureaucracy to reduce corrupt practices. However, what the kiai do can only be done within the boundaries of a cultural movement. That is, they can make moral appeals so that people avoid corrupt behavior.</p> Budiono Budiono ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 16 1 13 18 10.53961/paradigma.v16i1.135 Development of Video Learning Media in Islamic Religious Education Subjects Theory Material on the Entry of Islam to Indonesia https://ejournal.staimmgt.ac.id/index.php/paradigma/article/view/137 <p>This research is practically useful for teachers to create active and enjoyable learning in class, as well as used by students as a learning tool at home and the usefulness of this research for researchers is to add experience and also channel hobbies into education. While the purpose of this study is to develop video media that is valid, effective and also practical in the subject of Islamic Religious Education on the material of the Theory of the Entry of Islam into Indonesia at SMK Negeri 1 Kartoharjo Magetan Regency. This type of research is R &amp; D (Research and Development), which is research and development. Data collection techniques are divided into 3 namely, validation sheets, questionnaire sheets and also observation sheets. The research subject is class XI at SMK Negeri 1 Kartoharjo Magetan Regency. The data source is primary data. The result of the research is a learning video of Islamic Religious Education subject matter Theory of The theory of the entry of Islam into Indonesia has been validated, tested for effectiveness and practicality. The validity of this research product by media experts and material experts is 86%. The effectiveness of this research product based on post test trials made an increase in student learning outcomes whose scores were completed by 82, 75%. The practicality of the learning video product based on the teacher observation sheet applying it was 96.66%.</p> Suwartiningsih Suwartiningsih Anam Besari ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 16 1 19 39 10.53961/paradigma.v16i1.137 The Role of Islamic Values in Sustainable Development Innovation to Support the SDGs in Rural Communities https://ejournal.staimmgt.ac.id/index.php/paradigma/article/view/203 <p>Sustainable development in rural communities has become a pressing global challenge, particularly in terms of poverty alleviation, reducing inequality, and climate action. Islamic values, through the principles of Maqasid Syariah, offer a relevant approach to achieving these goals. This study aims to explore the application of Maqasid Syariah principles in sustainable development innovations focused on rural communities, as well as to understand the contribution of Islamic values in supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The research employs a deductive qualitative method with thematic analysis of data collected through literature review. Data sources include books, journal articles, and official publications related to Maqasid Syariah and sustainable development. The findings show that applying Islamic values, such as social justice, economic protection, and environmental preservation, can significantly support the attainment of the SDGs in rural communities. These findings suggest that Islamic systems like zakat and waqf hold potential for enhancing economic welfare and reducing inequality. This study proposes that integrating Islamic values into development policies can create a more inclusive and sustainable model of development. Thus, it is hoped that religious values serve not only as a spiritual foundation but also as a driving force in achieving holistic and equitable sustainable development for all of humanity.</p> Adam Hafidz Al Fajar Hidayatus Sholichah Mudfainna Mudfainna Rizka Anisa Rahma Izza Agitsna ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 16 1 40 61 10.53961/paradigma.v16i1.203 Reposting Content in Social Media: An Ethical and Islamic Legal Review https://ejournal.staimmgt.ac.id/index.php/paradigma/article/view/205 <p>This study aims to identify and analyze Islamic principles relevant to the practice of reposting on social media. The main focus of this study is to assess the legal implications related to the dissemination of unverified or detrimental information, as well as to provide practical recommendations for social media users to be able to apply Islamic teachings in every digital interaction. The method used is the qualitative normative-Islamic legal method to analyze the practice of reposting content on social media from the perspective of Islamic ethics and law. Data were collected from various classical literature sources such as fiqh books, tafsir, and hadith and contemporary literature such as fatwas and academic articles. The results of the study indicate that repost content can allow users to spread information, images, videos, or opinions without creating original content, but in a way that allows the content to be seen by their own audience. In practice, several principles need to be considered, such as the truth of information and copyright protection. Islam also teaches to respect the property rights of others, including copyright of intellectual works, either in the form of attribution or permission before sharing the content on social media.</p> Ahmad Thoriq Akhsan Ramdhani ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 16 1 62 71 10.53961/paradigma.v16i1.205 The Qur'ān and Hadīth as the Mediator of Fanaticism of Exclusive Islam and Inclusive Islam Factions https://ejournal.staimmgt.ac.id/index.php/paradigma/article/view/221 <p><em>This study examines the function of the Quran and Hadith as a solution to overcome the fanaticism of exclusive Islam and inclusive Islam using a literary-based qualitative approach.</em> <em>The results of this study state that, peace is a behavior that reflects the values of mutual love, compassion, belonging between parties without denying one of the parties due to its limitations. Islam as a religion that loves peace has several ways to create this situation with the sources of the Quran and Hadīth, such as examples of tolerance, freedom, upholding justice and prohibiting forms of injustice practices. If all of these elements are of concern so that they can be applied in the order of people's lives, of course, the conclusions of the birth of harmony between people for the achievement of world peace.</em></p> Kholis ali mahmudi Bahezta Lama'a Zahra ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 16 1 72 82 10.53961/paradigma.v16i1.221 Development of the Islamic Religious Education Curriculum in Indonesia https://ejournal.staimmgt.ac.id/index.php/paradigma/article/view/222 <p>This study aims to describe the developmentof the Islamic Religion Education (PAI) curriculum in Indonesia, with a focus on the development of the Pre-Independence, oLd Order, New Order, and Reform Era to the Indepenent Curriculums. This research uses the library research method. Data coleection was carried out using documentation study techniques. The result of this study indicate that Islamic Religious Education (PAI) is experiencing dynamics of development in the New Order era to the current reform era, Islamc religious education is experiencing positive developments, it’s just that the curriculum still has to be designed to be compatiblewith the dynamis of the times.</p> Samuji Samuji Ahmad Wahib ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 16 1 83 98 10.53961/paradigma.v16i1.222 The Role of Tutors in Growing Early Children's Interest in Reading at Vauz Studying Karangrejo Village, Wungu District, Madiun Regency https://ejournal.staimmgt.ac.id/index.php/paradigma/article/view/223 <p>Having an interest in reading is more important than reading ability itself. Having the intention to read will encourage a person to have a desire to read which ultimately makes the child have the ability to read. An overview of the implementation of the role of a tutor as a creator, motivator, dynamist, supervisor, counselor and evaluator. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptives, using data through observation, interviews and documentation. The Miles and Hubberman model with 4 stages, namely collecting data, reducing, displaying data, and drawing conclusions or verifying data is used to analyze the collected data. The subjects in this research were Vauz Tutoring Tutors and Students. The research results show its role in growing interest in reading through several strategies, including inviting children to play, read and tell stories. Recommendations that can be given are for tutors to use more strategies to carry out their role in growing children's interest in reading.</p> Mohamad Nasich Jauhari ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 16 1 99 109 10.53961/paradigma.v16i1.223